Headshot for Associate Ron Tate
  1. Ron Tate, Broker,CRB,CRS,GRI,REALTOR ®,SFR
  2. By Referral Realty
  3. Mobile: 210.861.5730
  4. Office: 210.479.3948
  5. Fax: 210.479.3949
  6. rontate@taterealtypro.com

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    Ron Tate has been managing residential and some commercial properties for more than 30 years. The goal is to be fair to tenants, but to never lose site of the fact the owner is the one represented and to whom fiduciary responsibility is mandated. The best testimonials rest in the fact many owners whose properties have been managed by my office for many years remain with the company until they decide to sell. We average between 35 and 50 properties that we have under management agreements at any one time, and we have many multiple property owners.

    My assistant, Kendall McCool, has been serving both our tenants and owners for more than 13 years. She is an asset who provides communication, responsiveness, and coordination between the owners, tenants, and our maintenance requests.

    One additional plus, we have used a licensed maintenance individual for more than 15 years that is licensed in all three major trades, those being electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. He is responsive when we have maintenance requests and emergency requests, and serves us with loyalty. We do provide him with the major share of his annual income.